Mr. Cole, the Northern Ireland Deputy Secretary and Chief Estates officer in the Dept. of Health, Northern Ireland, spoke as an expert witness for the applicant (NPHDB) on the topic of hospital co-location at the recent Oral Hearing of ABP. He is Chairman of the European Health Property Network (EuHPN), the organisation which recommended the team that conducted the Part One, Financial Analysis, NPH Independent Review commissioned by Minister Reilly in June 2011.
He showed slides of the Royal Hospital Group of Belfast hospitals and the new Southern Glasgow Hospitals campuses as examples of co-location. Site size was not mentioned.
Later, no answer was obtained from the applicant during the ‘ Questioning of Applicant ‘ sessions( Mr. Cole not present) when the size of UK sites was requested by an observer.
We have since found the following information on the Belfast and Glasgow hospitals websites:-
Size of Royal Belfast Hospitals Campus is 28.3ha (70 acres) with 4 hospitals – Adult, Maternity, Children’s (107 beds) and Dental hospitals. There are 2300 car parking spaces of which 740 are for patient/visitors and 1560 are for staff.
Size of New South Glasgow Hospitals Campus is 28.9ha. – Adult, Maternity, Children’s(256 beds) hospitals, research,laboratory and facilities management building (includes genetics)
Plots on the campus for a Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow(postgrad) building, Medical undergraduate and Nursing education buildings have been identified and buildings planned.
Compare these sites to the Size of the Mater, Dublin, Site – 6.8ha – Adult, Maternity and Children’s( 445 beds) hospitals.
Enough said.