Again we say-Dr. Dolphin should resign 05/03/2012.

The following is  an excerpt from a letter  received by the New Children’s Hospital Alliance under Freedom of Information  legislation.

From: Prof Brendan Drumm, CEO, HSE

To: Mr. Michael Scanlon, Secretary General, Department of Health and Children

Date: 10th April 2006

“..Mr. John O’Brien has indicated, in order to avoid any possible perception of bias, that he [will] step down from the Group [Task group on the Location of the National Paediatric Hospital] which he has chaired to date. While I am fully confident as to the objectivity, rigour and professionalism of the group, this possibility arises out of the continued candidacy of St. James’ Hospital as a potential site for the Children’s Hospital and John’s former association with St. James’s as CEO”..

Dr. Frank Dolphin was appointed on 23 February 2012, within hours of the rejection by An Bord Pleanála of the Mater site, to chair a new review committee on location. He is former Chairman of the Board of Management of the Children’s University Hospital Temple St. and a former member of the Board of Governors of the Mater Misericordia Hospital. He resigned from these positions in 2010.

Do different standards of probity apply in 2012 than in 2006?

See website post  : Dr. Dolphin should resign 24/02/2012