Co-location, a ‘Repetition Bias’ fallacy

Started by the HSE in 2006, and repeated again and again, the dogma that the NPH requires Adult Hospital colocation, is an example of  a ‘Cognitive Bias’.  It is recognised in psychology that if something is repeated again and again, it gains traction and belief, even in the absence of any evidence.  Psychologists call this cognitive phenomenon ‘Repetition Bias’.

There is NO EVIDENCE in the medical literature that co-location is,  as the Government, the HSE and the NPHDB would have people believe,  a “paramount” requirement,  NO EVIDENCE that adult hospital co-location results in better clinical outcomes for children.

NCHA says  – The victim of ‘Repetition Bias’, the Cabinet was mistaken in believing its decision on 6th Nov 2012, to build the NPH at St. James’s, “has been led by clinical considerations”.

NCHA says -change the site, please get it right- for our CHILDREN.  Go to what is now the central spine of the Greater Dublin Area,  the M50. Build beside the Connolly hospital, at the M50/N3 interchange -accessible, spacious, cheaper, quicker, a 143 acre shovel-ready site, with huge future potential. Build the 21st century Rotunda maternity hospital there at the same time. The children of the whole country will be cheering.