Covid 40% extra Cost- STOP-Cocoon the NCH

Oireachtas Covid Committee, 19th May 2020

Deputy Duncan Smith : “With regard to more complex sites, such as the National Children’s Hospital, how does Mr. Parlon estimate costs might shift on projects of that size and complexity? It has been well-documented that the cost of that project has increased from €400 million to €1.7 billion. A higher figure of €2.4 billion has been suggested. There is great concern about the cost of this project. ”

Mr. Parlon, Director General, Construction Industry Federation:

“Some sites are obviously more complex. The Deputy referred to one of them..The industry has suggested the extra cost to complete such projects while the very strict regime[safety measures against Covid-19] is in place could be as much as 40%.”

NCHA says – COCOON THE SITE. Do not resume construction now. Let the Minister for Health, Children’s Health Ireland Board, the NPHDB, BAM, Advocacy groups review their positions. The whole project should be reviewed – its cost, its value for money, its definitive business case, its adherence to the Public Spending Code. There are better ways to protect and promote our children’s health in these straitened times.

NCHA says – COCOON THE SITE – Let the Minister for Health, the NPHDB and BAM review their positions during a Covid pause. The whole project and its cost, its definitive business case, its adherence to the Public Spending Code, its relevance to children’s health require objective reassessment.