Contrast with other hospitals

Contrasting Views – Alder Hey vs Mater – Click to Enlarge

Alder Hey Children's Hospital, Liverpool - Note green areas & room for expansion!

Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool

Stand alone Hospital

Catchment area 7.6 million people

£288 million

309 beds

1,200 car park spaces




National Paediatric Hospital, Dublin

National Paediatric Hospital, Dublin

Adult co-located Hospital

Cachment area 4.2 million people

€650 million

445 beds

972 car park spaces (plus only 444 for 570-bed adult hospital)






Contrasting Views – Pittsburgh vs Mater


Children's Hospital, Pittsburgh

Children’s Hospital, Pittsburgh, 2009.

10 acres, 139,350 gross sq.m, 296 beds






National Paediatric Hospital, Mater, Proposed.

National Paediatric Hospital, Mater, Proposed.

4 acres, 108,356 gross sq.m, 445 beds







Contrasting Views – Top Trumps!

Contrasting Views - Top Trumps