- Dr Tom Clonan favours Connolly over St. James’s site the journal .ie , 07.02.2017
- Pat Kenny moderates debate between Dr. Fin Breatnach and Prof.Jonathan Hourihane [Dolphin Group member] , Newstalk 106-108, 16. 12. 2016
- Seán Moncrieff interviews Senator James Reilly. Newstalk106 -108, [NPH comments starts at 13 min into the interview] 23.06.2016
- The Late Debate. Anthony Staines and John Crown on the James’s site decision.[starts28min into program]. RTE 1, 28.04.2016
- Tánaiste Joan Burton on the NPH. Why not Connolly?Pat Kenny Show. Newstalk 106-108., [starts about 12mins into ‘Part 3 Listen back’] 01.07.2015. or Read a transcript of the interview at https://thenewchildrenshospital.ie/index.php/2015/09/the-tanaiste-onthe-medical-advice-to-the-cabinet/
- Roisin Healy speaks on parking at St. James.[starts after the 12o’clocknews ] The Pat Kenny Show Newstalk 106-108, 26.06.2015
- Valerie Cox speaks to Residents near St James’s Hospital. Sean O’Rourke show. RTE 1, 10.06.2015
- Leo Varadkar talks to Pat Kenny [for NPH listen to 31st min of interview onwards].Newstalk 106-108. 30.10.2014
- Jonathan Irwin, Whistleblower Letters,[Jonathan Irvine is on from 03.33min -20.10min]. Newstalk 106-108 ,The Pat Kenny Show, 29.08.2014
- Sara Burke – new NPH boards – Drivetime. RTE Radio1 14.02.2013
- Roisin Healy and Pat Plunkett on St. James‘s. RTE Radio1.Today with Pat Kenny.07.11.2012
- Pat Plunkett on St. James’s as site for the NPH.Radio1.Today with Pat Kenny .06.11.2012
- Government decision on NPH for St. James site.TV3.Tonight with Vincent Browne. 06.11.2012
- Fergal Bowers on the Dolphin Report .RTE News at One.30.10. 2012
- Dr Trevor Duffy on James Connolly Hospital bid for the NPH. RTE .Morning Ireland -interview is at 35 -40min into podcast. 10.10. 2012
- Prof Brendan Kinsley on Mater bid for the NPH. RTE Morning Ireland – interview starts about 40 min into podcast.09.10.2012
- Dr. John Kennedy on St James bid for the NPH .RTE Morning Ireland -it is the last interview in the podcast. 09.10.2012
- RTÉ Video on St. James’s Hospital bid . Two videos. 25.05.2012
- RTE One The New Children’s Hospital. Pat Kenny ‘Greenfield sites’ panel including Fin Breatnach,NCHA. 16.05.2012
- RTE One Coombe, St James and Mater bid re NPH, Pat Kenny 03.05.2012
- RTE ie Function of the Review Group Minister Reilly ,27.03.2012
- TV3 Tonight with Ivan Yates. Panel Jerry Buttimer, Noel Smyth , Prof. Karina Bulter, Senator John Crown. discuss the National Children’s Hospital. 06.03.2012
- Newstalk 106-108 Interview Ivan Yates with Fin Breatnach -06.03.2012 -starts about nine and a half mins. into podcast
- RTE Radio 1 Today with Pat Kenny interview with Fin Breatnach-06.03.2012
- TV3 AM Fin Breathnach of NCHA and Mary O’Connor of Children in Hospital Ireland -29.02.2012
- RTE Radio 1 Marion Finucane Panel discusses the New Children’s Hospital– McNiff, Shane Ross, Norah Casey and Philip Lynch -26.02.2012
- RTE Radio 1 Today with Pat Kenny with members of NCHA– 24.02.2012
- RTE Radio 1 Today with Pat Kenny with Philip Lynch, Noel Smyth, Fin Breathnach-23.02.2012
- Today FM The Last Word interview with Mary O’Connor,Fin Breathnach, Senator Professor John Crown– 23.02.2012
- RTE One tv Prime Time Miriam O’Callaghan and Fin Breathnach and Louis Roden– 23.02.2012
- RTE Radio 1 Interview with Philip Lynch (ex-chairman of the NPHDBoard) is on at 1hour 10minutes into podcast – 10.03.2011
- Joe Duffy Interview/NPH Mater Suitability Poll – 18.10.10 (A text-in vote over a ten minute period.
Question : “Are you in favour of the new National Children’s Hospital being built on the Mater Hospital site?”
Response : Total vote 15,438 :- Yes: 1,623 (11%) , No: 13,815 ( 89%)
- TV3 News at 5:30 – Children’s Hospital Route Roadtested – TV3 – 21.10.2010
Time taken to travel by 2 cars starting simultaneously from Navan (early am), Tullamore (mid morning), Kildare (early evening), and Bray (late evening). One to the Mater, one to Tallaght. Tallaght won all 4 journey times.