Feb 2006
(Excerpt: Page 62)
The McKinsey report “was prepared for the Health Service Executive and is not intended to, and may not, be relied upon by any other party”.
(for planning the proposed new hospital)
1. Space
• Ability to meet projected tertiary and secondary needs (including potential to accommodate research and education facilities).
2. Breadth and depth of services
• Centre should offer the following services:
– Sub-specialist capability across the 25+ core sub-specialties: Medical -Anaesthetics, Cardiology, Endocrinology, General Medicine, Genetics,Haematology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Intensive care,Neonatology, Nephrology, Neurology, Oncology, Opthamology, Pathology,Radiology, Respiratory +/-allergology, Rheumatology, Microbiology and clinical chemistry; Surgical – Cardiothoracic surgery, ENT surgery,Gastroenterology/GI/ hepatobiliary surgery, General surgery, Neurosurgery,Orthopaedic surgery, Transplant surgery, Urology.
– A patient and family focused environment and services; including accommodation and schooling, learning from recent best practice trends (e.g.parent and child rooms % single rooms).
3. Co-location
• The preferred option would be co-location. If so, needs to be specific about level of integration and sharing of services. If not co-located, need to be specific about how to address the challenges of isolation from adult services.
4. Access
• Comprehensive outreach programme with other hospitals providing in-patient paediatric services in critical sub-specialties.
• National retrieval plan and ambulance diversion protocol for Dublin.
• Clear referral protocol and supporting liaison with Dublin A&E centres.
• Provision for “hospital hotel” facilities and family accommodation on site.
• Good public transport and road links.
• Parking for families and staff.
5. Efficient use of resources
• Sufficient activity levels to support 24/7 cover in key sub-specialities and othermulti-disciplinary support services
• Appropriate sharing of diagnostic equipment and other operational services
6. People – attract and retain
• Attractive work environment and interesting career opportunities
• Clear Children’s Hospital ‘brand’
7. Teaching and research
• Strong integration with under graduate and post graduate training programme,especially in medicine and nursing.
• Mandate to pursue clearly defined research agenda as part of child care mission, building upon the best of what is already ongoing and ensuring alignment with Ireland’s long term research and innovation goals.
• Brand and associated governance status to enable fundraising for research.
8. Financial stability
• Sufficient budget to manage complete services and range of sub-specialties within hospitals including necessary outreach and retrieval programme and additional sub-specialists as appropriate.
• Budget to reflect likely trend to higher case mix index
9. Full project plan and role assessments
• Credibility of proposal including ability to execute capital project and willingness to address roles, in particular with respect to cooperation with other providers (e.g. A&E) and to support integration with adult services where there are clear benefits.
The full McKinsey report available at