A World Class Tertiary Children’s Hospital for Ireland
Submission from Board of Management, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin, September 2006 – to HSE Transition Group
Excerpt from p6
The Board’s vision for the New Children’s Hospital is defined by three Core Values:
•The new Children’s Hospital must be co-located with a full-service maternity hospital
•The new Children’s Hospital must be an integrated academic health sciences centre, the model adopted by leading paediatric tertiary hospitals world-wide
•Resources for the development of the Children’s Hospital – land, space and design values– must be commensurate with a family-centered, world-class institution respecting the needs of its staff and sufficient to sustain it, as such, over the long term. ”
The Transition Group disappeared “into the ether” when the NPHDB was set up 27th May, 2007 by Statutory Instrument on the eve of the general election. It produced no reports.