GP Association supports Connolly site

On Saturday, 5th Sept. 2015, the 23 member Council of the National Association of General Practitioners  unanimously voted against the construction of the new children’s hospital on the St James’s Hospital campus.  CEO, Mr. Goodey urged Minister Varakar  to exercise leadership and reconsider the choice of “the clearly unsuitable site” of St. James’s hospital.  Read article in The Herald

NCHA  says ‘Thank you’ to the GPs and repeats- there is NO EVIDENCE that co-location of a children’s hospital such as the NPH  with an adult hospital improves clinical outcomes for children. The spokesperson for the NPHDB quoted in the Herald article is WRONG, WRONG,WRONG.

NCHA challenges the adult hospital medical community to produce the evidence. We are tired of children’s rights being sacrificed to adult  hospital ambitions. First co-location priority is with a full Maternity hospital.