Agree that St. James’s is the wrong place for the National Children’s Hospital? An Bord Pleanála (the Panning Board) will accept comments by letter until 5.30pm on Friday 2nd October .
Write to: The Secretary, An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough St., Dublin 1
You must give a Name and Address for correspondance.The letter may be signed by one or several people or signed on behalf of an Association .
You must put Reference No PA0043 at the top of the letter
You must enclose €50 . Delivery by post or by hand must be before 5.30 pm ( and not even a second later!) on the 2nd of October – in seven days time. Visit our facebook page or the Jack and Jill website if you need help/ideas.
See the post from a mother from The Extra Special Kids Group on the Jack and Jill facebook page.