Write to An Bord Pleanála-only one week left

Agree that St. James’s is the wrong place for the National Children’s Hospital? An Bord Pleanála (the Panning Board)  will accept comments by letter until 5.30pm on Friday 2nd October .

Write to: The Secretary, An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough St., Dublin 1

You must give a Name and Address for correspondance.The letter may be signed by  one or several people or signed on behalf of an Association .

You must put  Reference No PA0043 at the top of the letter

You must enclose €50 . Delivery by post or by hand must be before 5.30 pm ( and not even a second later!) on the 2nd of October  – in seven days  time.  Visit our facebook page or the Jack and Jill  website if you need help/ideas.

See the post from a mother from The Extra Special Kids Group on the Jack and Jill facebook page.